
About the Oddity
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Here is a good place to describe a list of your hobbies, projects or interests.

bulletHalf Life - I have enjoyed setting up and maintaining two Half-Life servers which led me to create [NPS] Never Play Sober with two friends.  One server runs CS (Counter-Strike) and the other runs either DoD or TFC (Day of Defeat/Team Fortress Classic) depending on my mood.
bulletVisit [NPS]'s amazing website:  http://www.finalphase.org/nps
bulletGo straight to their forum to hear lots of bitching:  http://www.finalphase.org/nps/forum
bulletTo play CS use: as your server ip.
bulletTo play TFC/DoD use: as your server ip.
bulletSigma Pi - I am an active member and enjoy my time in Sigma Pi.  We do many things and I find it wonderful to see us helping the community when we're not throwing parties!  :-)
bulletSee what we've been upto:  http://www.sigmapicu.org

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This site was last updated 10/22/01